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Harnessing the Power of LLM Models on Arm CPUs for Edge Devices


In recent years, the field of machine learning has witnessed significant advancements, particularly with the development of Large Language Models (LLMs) and image generation models. Traditionally, these models have relied on powerful cloud-based infrastructures to deliver impressive capabilities. However, there is a growing trend to bring these sophisticated models to the Edge, empowering a new generation of smart devices. Arm, a leader in semiconductor technology, is at the forefront of this movement with its range of CPUs optimized for Edge computing. This blog post explores how Arm's hardware, such as Ethos-U65 & 85, Helium, Cortex-A & M, and the Corstone simulation environment, can be leveraged for deploying LLMs, speech-to-text systems and image generation models like StableDiffusion on Edge devices.

Large Language Models (LLMs) on Arm

Large Language Models, such as GPT-4, have revolutionized Natural Language Processing (NLP). However, their large size and resource demands make them impractical for Edge deployment. Instead, more compact models like TinyLlama, Gemma 2B, and DEIT-tiny are suitable alternatives for running on Arm-powered devices.

Optimisation Strategies:

  • Quantization: Reducing the precision of the model's weights and activations from 32-bit floating-point to lower-bit formats (for example, 8-bit integers) can significantly decrease the model size and inference time without severely impacting performance.
  • Pruning: Removing less critical neurons or connections in the neural network can help reduce computational load and memory usage.
  • Model Distillation: Training a smaller model (student) to mimic the performance of a larger model (teacher) can lead to more efficient implementations that are suitable for Edge devices.

Arm's Ethos-U65 and Ethos-U85 NPUs (Neural Processing Units) are designed to accelerate these optimized models by providing dedicated hardware for efficient neural network inference. The Ethos-U series offers significant performance improvements for running LLMs on Edge devices, which makes sophisticated NLP applications more accessible and responsive.

As another example, TinyLlama and Gemma 2B, are specifically tailored to balance performance and resource usage, which makes them ideal candidates for deployment on Arm-based Edge devices. These models can handle various NLP tasks, such as text generation, translation, and summarization, all within the constrained environments of Edge hardware.

Speech-To-Text on Arm

Speech-To-Text (STT) systems convert spoken language into written text, and deploying these models on edge devices enhances privacy and reduces latency by processing audio data locally. Arm's Cortex-M and Cortex-A series processors, combined with optimized STT models, can deliver real-time transcription capabilities on Edge devices.


Optimisation Techniques:

  • Efficient Audio Preprocessing: Utilizing Arm's Helium technology for SIMD (Single Instruction, Multiple Data) operations can accelerate audio preprocessing tasks, such as filtering and feature extraction.
  • Lightweight STT Models: Employing lightweight architectures like Deep Speech 2 or smaller variants of transformer-based models can ensure efficient STT performance on Arm processors.

Image Generation with StableDiffusion on Arm

StableDiffusion is a state-of-the-art image generation model that can create high-quality images from textual descriptions. Deploying such a model on Edge devices poses challenges due to its computationally intensive nature. However, with Arm's powerful hardware and strategic optimizations, it is feasible to run StableDiffusion efficiently on the Edge.

Optimisation Strategies:

  • Model Compression: Techniques such as pruning, quantization and knowledge distillation can help reduce the model size and inference time.
  • Hardware Acceleration: Utilizing Arm's Ethos-U NPUs can offload heavy computation from the CPU, significantly speeding up the image generation process.
  • Efficient Model Architectures: Exploring more efficient variants of diffusion models designed specifically for edge deployment can further enhance performance.

Multi-Modality on Edge Devices

Multi-modal models, which combine text, audio and image processing capabilities, offer exciting possibilities for Edge applications. For instance, a smart device could generate descriptive text for an image captured by its camera or provide real-time captions for spoken audio. While developing a single multi-modal model for Edge deployment is challenging, combining specialized models optimized for Arm hardware can achieve similar results.

Example Use Case:

  • Smart Surveillance Camera: Integrating a lightweight LLM for text generation, an optimized STT model for audio processing and StableDiffusion for image analysis on an Arm-powered device can create a comprehensive smart surveillance solution. The camera can transcribe spoken alerts, generate descriptive reports and analyze visual data locally, which ensures privacy and reduces the need for constant cloud connectivity.

Arm's Corstone Simulation Environment

Arm's Corstone 315 and 320 provide a robust simulation environment for developing and testing machine-learning models on Arm hardware. Corstone offers a flexible platform to prototype and optimize models before deploying them on physical Edge devices. This simulation environment allows developers to:

  • Evaluate Performance: Assess the efficiency and responsiveness of models running on Arm CPUs and NPUs.
  • Optimize Workflows: Fine-tune model architectures and deployment strategies to maximize performance on specific Arm hardware configurations.
  • Accelerate Development: Streamline the development process by identifying potential bottlenecks and performance issues as early as possible.

Potential use case - Smart Home Solutions and Assistance for People with Disabilities

Combinging Speech-To-Text and LLM models on Arm-powered devices opens up a wide range of applications, particularly in smart home solutions and assistive technologies for people with disabilities. In smart homes, STT and LLMs can facilitate voice-activated control systems, which allow users to manage lighting, heating, security, and entertainment systems through natural language commands. This creates a seamless and intuitive user experience, enhancing convenience and accessibility.

For individuals with disabilities, these technologies can offer significant support. Voice-controlled interfaces powered by STT and LLMs can provide hands-free operation of various devices, aiding those with mobility impairments. STT can transcribe spoken words into text for people with speech or hearing impairments, which enables real-time communication through text-based interfaces. Additionally, LLMs can assist with reading and writing tasks,  for example, by offering suggestions and corrections to enhance communication efficiency.

The deployment of these models on Arm edge devices ensures that sensitive data, such as voice recordings and personal commands, is processed locally, which maintains user privacy and security. The real-time capabilities of Edge processing also ensure immediate responses, which therefore provides a smooth and effective user experience.

Real-World Application: Deploying NLP Solutions on Arm-Powered Edge Devices

Large language models, such as GPT-4, have revolutionized natural language processing (NLP). However, their large size and resource demands make them impractical for Edge deployment. Instead, more compact models like TinyLlama, Gemma 2B and DEIT-tiny are suitable alternatives for running on Arm-powered devices. As a proof of concept for smart home solutions, our company developed a demo project on a Raspberry Pi by integrating OpenAI's Whisper for voice recognition, Arctic-Embed-XS for semantic analysis and the Spacy library for natural language understanding. This project showcases the potential of Arm hardware by taking voice commands, recognizing different parts of speech with embeddings, and executing the given commands, all in real-time. This practical demonstration highlights the feasibility of deploying sophisticated NLP capabilities on compact, efficient Edge devices, therefore paving the way for more intelligent and responsive smart home environments.


The deployment of Large Language Models, Speech-To-Text systems and image generation models like StableDiffusion on edge devices is becoming increasingly viable thanks to Arm's advanced hardware and optimisation techniques. By leveraging Arm's Ethos-U NPUs, Helium technology, and Cortex processors, developers can bring sophisticated AI capabilities to Edge devices, which enhances privacy, reduces latency and enables new, innovative applications. Arm's Corstone simulation environment further supports this development by providing a powerful platform for prototyping and optimization. Arm remains at the forefront as Edge computing continues to evolve, empowering the next generation of smart, autonomous devices.

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Harnessing the Power of LLM Models on Arm CPUs for Edge Devices

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